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The Have and the Have Nots Review Season 7 Episode 16 Counting the Costs

Writer's picture: TanyaTanya

Updated: Sep 26, 2020

Here is my written review of The Have and the Have Nots Season 7 Episode 16 "Counting the Costs", along with the link to my live video review from my YouTube channel. Please check it out and don't forget to also subscribe to us on YouTube, IG, Facebook, and Twitter. Thank you.

Sooooo Wyatt is not dead. Uncle Vinnie at his direction, but Wyatt is very much alive. However, Vinnie is pissed off at his nephew Sandy because he couldn’t pull the trigger. He asked him if he was a pansy, to which Sandy responded, “You know I’m not”. I don’t know what they are going to do with Sandy. From what Vinnie is getting at, there isn’t too many family members left that can handle the family business after Momma Rose retires. Mitch still doesn’t want no parts of the mob life that his family is deeply involved in. But for some reason I have a feeling that that might change. But what Vinnie said to Sandy, was the same thing I was saying. How are you going to be a part of the mob crew and not able to kill anybody? LOL

Later, Senator Westlake approached Landon, the Press Secretary for the Charles, the President Elect. Westlake is on to something y’all. He has definitely been snooping around and doing his research. Westlake seems to have an idea that Landon has more reasons than he’ll admit, to why he has been taking really good “care” of Charles. And he is right to assume so. LOL But what does Westlake have up his sleeves with Candace? He was very persistent in asking Landon to spill all the tea on Candace and Charles. But each time Landon basically tells him to take it up with Charles. Now while Landon isn’t quite sure why Westlake kept asking him does he think Charles should reach out to Candace, he was a taken back when hearing Westlake say Charles is still in love with Candace. But why does Westlake want Charles to reach out to Candace soooo bad? Whatever the reason is, Charles told him that that would be a very bad idea. “Charles is the President Elect of the United States and he should consider that in his decisions”, said Landon, before he turned away saying, “I’m off”. LOL I think Westlake needs to put that bottle down chile.

Now on to Veronica and her pool boy Samuel. So, Veronica’s housekeeper Laura, who she makes dress like her and drive her car is still running around on errands since last week. LOL And Veronica still has her lustful eyes on her pool boy. I mean it just doesn’t make any sense how thirsty her old cougar ass is. Out of all the guys she could sleep with, she’s trying hook her fangs into her housekeeper’s husband. Then she kept asking him if he’s ever cheated on his wife. He replied no, but I’m not so sure of that. LOL She can’t believe he doesn’t cheat nor that he doesn’t drink. But y’all, I just can’t get with his hair cut. It looks like he has real hair in the back and then a big fluffy toupee in the front. LOL

At the hotel, after Benny left for his appointment with his realtor, Candace hits up Mitch to come over. She questions him about what he did or said to convince Benny that Derrek is not the man who assaulted their mother Hannah, and to also keep an eye on Benny. During that conversation, she relays to Mitch how she’s still in love with Charles and can’t stop thinking about him. So now I’m wondering will Westlake reach out to her and tell her that the President Elect is still in love with her. Because you already know that is probably the one thing, that might make Candace cancel or at least delay her moving plans. I mean, the way Candace sees it, losing Charles was her karma for all the evil and wicked shit she done did throughout her young life. LOL

All right, so now let’s discuss Jeffrey and Madison and this man who just walked up into Madison’s home and dropped his pants. Chile he dropped it like it was hot! That man, would be Colby, who was about to get in the shower with Jeffrey, who he assumed was Madison. Of course, Jeffrey is stunned because, if Colby is an ex, why is he still allowed to enter at any given time. Hmmm And why does Madison know everything about Jeffrey, but Jeffrey knows nothing about this ex, nor does he know anything about Leo. LOL Is Jeffrey just a replacement for this look alike stripper Leo? Jeffrey didn’t know what to think, with Colby drooling all over him.

Jeffrey was too confused and ready to get the heck out of Madison’s apartment, while the ex is obviously attracted to Jeffrey and coming on to him pretty darn strong. I wouldn’t be surprised if Madison is no longer with the ex because maybe he cheated on Madison. LOL The ex was up there talking about he just lives for the moment. Ummm hmmm I bet he do, with his eyes roaming all over Jeffreys nice round plump assets. That Colby was like ooooohhhh chile you got skin like honey. LOL But any who they finally got dressed, and at the ex’s suggestion, they made off to meet Madison at the restaurant for lunch.

Also, speaking of exes. LOL. Well, at least Justin considered him and Jeffrey a couple. LOL. But Justin just got beat down by his brother Tanner, who promised their family, and Justin’s wife and kids that he would get Justin together. Come to find out Justin has been gay all his life. Ever since he was a little kid, his bro has been trying to “fix” him. When Justin was young, he must have played with one too many dolls. So his brother thought it was a great idea to find some 15-year-old girl to get it on with 6-year-old Justin. But that didn’t work. LOL Yeah, he went on to marry a woman and have kids, but he’s still very much into the menses. LOL But for the life of me, I still can’t believe Justin is just letting his bro beat up on him like that. He must have at least smacked him upside the head three times, when Justin said something that he didn’t like. And then his brother Tanner has the nerves to tell him that he loves him. He’s doing this all out of love, out of brotherly affection. LOL

Moving right along. David finally arrived back at the hospital to give Jim the password from Hannah. While laughing, Jim read the password, which said Thank you Jesus. And Jesus is who they better start praying to asap because per the app, the car that Wyatt is driving is at the Malone Bar. Jim wanted to get up out of that hospital bed so bad, to go get his son. But David assured him that if he stays put, he’ll go check on Wyatt to make sure he’s okay. And well as we saw, when David got there, he was put out the bar, without getting any information on Wyatt.

After that, they moved on to Katheryn Cryer, who is still stuck in jail. She did however manage to get some hot food from Officer Kendrick. Kendrick also informed her that Wyatt has escaped the jail, and that there was a break in at her home. Kathern knew that it could only be Wyatt who broke into the house. Although she tried to buy her way into a phone call from Kendrick, I doubt if he’ll ever get enough nerves to sneak a phone in or make a call for her. That young man just got that job and is afraid to get fired. Katheryn who still thinks she has some pull, still doesn’t got as much juice as Momma Rose. Still yet, she is demanding for the jail to make her a little more comfortable. She wants a real bed and a lazy boy recliner, just like how they catered to Momma Rose. LOL But that ain’t happened any time soon because the Malone’s own that police department. As a matter of fact, Katheryn was told that if she doesn’t pay the $1mil that Momma Rose wants, then it will be some consequences and repercussions for her and for her escapee son Wyatt. As a matter of fact, little does Katheryn know, the Malone’s, already got their hands on Wyatt. The man tried to tell her, but she didn’t believe it. Oh, but she will soon. LOL.

Finally, back to Benny. When he arrived at the realtors, the realtor, had just finished hanging up on Sandy, who keeps harassing her. And when she stepped out, Benny got a call from Veronica, who tells him, that she thinks Derrek is the guy who assaulted his mother Hannah. But didn’t Veronica already know this? Like what kind of game is she trying to play with Benny? We all know that she would love to be involved with Benny again. So, is this her way back in? Y’all let me know. LOL


Will they be able to save Wyatt from the Malone’s?

Do you think Kendrick will help Katheryn get a phone call through?

Do you think Benny will somehow assist the realtor with her problems with Sandy?

Do you think Veronica will sleep with Samuel?

Do you think Madison and Colby are still messing around?


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