Ruthless TV Show Review Season 5 Premiere Episode 1 “Children of the New Paradise”. Just click the link to tune in. And don't forget to also subscribe to us on YouTube, IG, Facebook, and Twitter. Thank you.
Season 5 starts off with us still trying to figure out who the sniper was that was shooting up everyone from the woods. When out of the woods came Dikahn. Lewis was then shot in the shoulder by Dikahn. Lewis screamed out, “We surrender”!
And for the first time, in a long time, we saw the Highest showing a lot of affection towards Dikahn. Even kissing him really hard on the lips, before telling Dikahn that he will be rewarded for his loyalty. After that both men, holding onto each other, expressed their love for each other. Then Lewis and George both were led back to the punishment trailer, where the Highest threated to put both of their heads on a stake.
As far as the deserters, Joan, River, Lacey and Zane, they are still wandering through the wilderness, trying to find their way to safety from the Highest and the guards. While they were hoping to not get caught. Joan, however, did actually get caught. That is caught in what appears to be a bear trap. She happened to step right into it, screaming out in excruciating pain. River tried to assist her. But to no avail, he wasn’t able to free her from the trap and promised not to leave her side.
But after realizing that Joan might wind up dying right there in the woods, River trying to calm her down, and alive at the same time, brought back to her memory how they first met. Now being that we don’t get too many of these “who were they before” scenes, it was very interesting to find out that Joan and River met after he graduated from law school. River didn’t say where they met. But it was after he graduated law school. And evidently Joan wasn’t accepting of him at first because of his foul mouth and how revealing he used to dress. Also, from the both of them recalling their past, we found out that when Joan first met the Highest, she was suicidal. And now she felt like she was coming to the realization that she was going to die.
What River didn’t expect to learn, while they were going down memory lane, was that Joan was never going to give anyone the account number or the password to access the 2million dollars, they she had stolen. River was like but what if you bleed out right here, then no one will get the 2million dollars. River was begging her to give him the information before she passed out. Fortunately, or maybe unfortunately for Joan, Manny found her and River, and after some hesitancy he did help River free Joan from the bear trap. Manny ended up carrying Joan back to the compound without being seen.
Ruth who had driven off in a car came across a bus full of the children, including her own daughter Callie. But before she could jump out of the vehicle and reach her daughter, the bus pulled off. The bus pulled off, with the children all chanting in unison, “We are the Rakudushi’s. We are the Rakudushi’s”! Ruth, after not being able to help her daughter, decided to along, with Lacey and Zane, drive back to the compound. They of course, had to put their robes back on.
But then I was like who the heck is the female and the two guys who were in a shoot-out with the Rakudushi’s. I believe they might have been sent by the Cartel. And that one of the guys, I also believe, was Lilo’s brother. But the girl, I guess goes by the name Keys, and one of the guys who goes by the name Glitch, were having a misunderstanding about their assignment. Per Glitch, taking the FBI out was not part of their mission. Their only job is to get to the money. In and out, with zero to minimum casualties, were their instructions. Besides that. they also didn’t want to take out the Highest, being that he might know where Glitch’s brother is.
Elder Muva was leading a pack of people willing to fight for the cause. And while she was raising her hands in the air, singing her favorite song, “All the night, and we live and die in the Raku way”, Keys done shot a hole right through Muva left hand. But when the fellas saw that they didn’t have enough fire power to go up against the FBI and the Raku, they ran off, leaving Keys there to be captured by the Raku.
Once back on the compound, the Highest summoned everyone to the Pavillion, where he praised everyone who stood up to fight for the Raku. Especially those who were injured during the attack. And those who were selfish in their sacrifice or cowardly, were admonished by the Highest, and told that the Raku will show no mercy upon them.
And where was Ruth while everyone else was underneath the Pavillion. Ruth was laid across the bed of the Highest, in a black teddy, trying to look as sexy as she wanna be. Talking about all hail the Highest when he and Dikahn walked into his trailer. The both of them was like what they hell are you doing here Ruth?
Dikhan immediately started accusing Ruth of stealing the money from the Highest. Dikahn was begging the Highest to believe him. But you gotta be a little quicker Dikahn. Because Ruth had already returned the money from the trunk of the car back into the safe.
But what happened next y’all, I was not ready. For the first time, in all five seasons, the Highest, Ruth, and Dikahn, all settled in for a threesome. But the crazy part of that whole scene, was when Manny came to inform the Highest that Elder Muva needed to speak with him. Not only was Manny not surprised at seeing the Highest and Dikhan both in bed with Ruth. But Muva wasn’t the least bit surprised either at what she saw.
Mother had actually interrupted their passionate love making session to let the Highest know that the children were back on the compound. And that they were ready. Ready for what though. Did Tyler Perry forgot what the children were being prepared for early on in the first few seasons. Remember, that the children were supposed to be used as mules to transport drugs for the cult. Not only that. But they were also to be used in other ungodly ways as well. And now from what we see, it looks like the children are being prepared or have already been trained to fight for the Raku. They are not the children of the new paradise. They are the children of the Raku.
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