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R. Kelly Trial: Former Chicago police officer convicted of forgery, contradicted himself in court

Writer's picture: TanyaTanya

R. Kelly Trial: Former Chicago police officer who was convicted of forgery, claims never seeing R. Kelly with underage girls. Even though he was his close friend and bodyguard.

Now as we all know, R. Kelly aka the monster, as some people refer to him as, is facing a multitude of charges from sex trafficking to forced labor and violations of the Mann Act, racketeering, sexual exploitation of children, and kidnapping. Allegedly the singer would entice girls, boys, and young women before dominating and controlling them physically, sexually, and psychologically.

For the last 5 weeks we have been following the R. Kelly Trial. And actually, I’ve been following him closely since he was arrested for these current charges that he is facing in court. Dozens of witnesses have testified under oath against the singer. And now that the prosecutors have rested their case, it is now time for the defense to present their evidence and witnesses to the jury. Including any allies of R. Kelly. But before we get too far, let’s discuss a few things we’ve learned over the past few days.

Last Tuesday, September 14th, day 16 of the trial, a motion was filed by the prosecutors. In order to allow the jury to hear through headphones, audio tapes, and view excerpts of Kelly making threats to victims during 2008. Yes from 2008, which was like 13 years ago.

"The recorded excerpts show (1) the type of physical and psychological abuse the defendant employed to exert and maintain control over women and girls with whom he was engaged in sexual relationships; and (2) his regular use of audio and video recordings to maintain control of females and protect the charged (criminal) enterprise," the filing says.

R. Kelly who had very strict rules within his camp and for others around him, kept cameras all around each of his properties. From his home to his Chocolate Factory music studio. So, you can just imagine, what all audio and video could have been collected by the prosecutors. But any who. R. Kelly was heard ranting and raving, spewing profanity and threatening violence against different females.

On one of the tapes the singer can be heard making threats against a woman who he said was lying to him. “If you lie to me, I’m going to f--- you up,” Kelly says. He then could be heard assaulting the woman.

Jane Doe #20 could be heard on another tape being berated and threatened by Kelly for allegedly stealing a Rolex watch from him. What he said was, “You better not ever … take from me again or I will be in Florida, and something will happen to you”.

Now of course, we done all heard how Kelly has denied any wrongdoings against anybody, be it male or female, young or old. He has vehemently denied, assaulting anyone, either by sex or by putting his hands on them. He has also repeatedly denied having any sexual relationships with underage girls and boys. And from where I sit, it’s evident that the singer is a habitual liar. But I’m sure there are many of you still standing in defense of him. As if he can do no wrong in your eyes.

But moving right along.

For the jury, these audio tapes were to help prove that R. Kelly is in fact, and probably has always been a very violent and controlling man. You could hear the venom in his voice as he screams, yells, curses and threatens his victim. After hearing this, any sensible person can tell that this man, has some serious issues. Which I still believe is a result of his childhood.

From him being assaulted by that older man in his neighborhood. To his mother accepting a $500 bribe from the older man to drop the charges. To the singer also being assaulted by his big sister. And who knows what else he had gone through before meeting Aaliyah. Or his first victim, who could have been someone other than Aaliyah.

But back to the victims on the tapes.

The prosecutors at first wanted to put the victim from the 2nd recording on the stand. Instead, because of the victim, still having anxiety issues from experiencing R. Kelly’s wrath, they decided against it. The witness actually went into an emotional break down and started having panic attacks at the thought of facing him in court.

“For the sake of her mental health, the government advised Jane Doe No. 20 that it would not call her as a witness at the trial,” the filing says.

Now again, keep in mind, that anything heard on those tapes is not anything he’s being charged with. The audio tapes were only to help show that his accusers are not lying about him being abusive and having a violent nature. In fact, I would be very shocked to find out that those tapes were said not to have proven anything to the jury.

In addition to what we just discussed of the prosecuting team. We’ll also discuss what we know so far from the defense. The defense is now bringing to the stand some of R. Kelly’s allies. Which range from his friends, to cops and security guards, an aspiring rapper, to who knows who else will testify. But guess what. Almost everything these witnesses were testifying to, was contradicting their responses on cross examination.

With that being said, let’s discuss Larry Hood, who is a former Chicago police officer. Besides working for the Chicago PD, he was also a close friend and bodyguard for R. Kelly.

Hood told the jury that he never witnessed R. Kelly being around any underage girls. But then while being cross-examined he admitted to seeing Aaliyah hang out with the star when she was around 13 or 14 years old. This cop even denied knowing that Aaliyah had gotten married to the singer when she was 15 years old.

As a matter of fact, remember Angela, the tenth accuser who claims that the singer allegedly started sexually abusing Aaliyah when she was 13 years old. Aaliyah used to hang out with R. Kelly all the time, with Angela.

Not only Angela. Tiffany, another young girl used to hang out with R. Kelly, Angela, Aaliyah, and several other underage girls. Tiffany was actually the one who introduced and brought Angela to R. Kelly. These girls were like the Three Amigos.

But just a little back story on Tiffany. In 1996, Tiffany Hawkins had sued R. Kelly for emotional distress. She claimed personal injuries and emotional distress that she suffered through a 3-year relationship with him. She said that they started to have sex in 1991 when she was only 15 and he was 24. The relationship ended about 3 years later when she was 18. Hawkins who had sought 10 million dollars in damages, settled for $250,000 in 1998.

Now how such a close friend and bodyguard wouldn’t have known that his friend was sleeping with underage girls. Including and up to marrying Aaliyah. You got me. In other words, he most likely was being untruthful. Even though he stated, “As a police officer, I would have had to take action against that. “I never had to take any action. I was never made aware of any wrongdoing.”

Nonetheless, although this is the first time a police officer has testified during the trial. There have been allegations of police officers turning a blind eye on illegal activities. Such as Kelly abusing underage girls. Let’s not forget about the witness who went by “Jane”. She testified early on in the trial that during her first sexual encounter with Kelly, it was interrupted by a police officer. A police officer who also checked her ID which said she was 17 years old.

So, even after saying all that under oath, nobody has to convince me that he’s just being extremely loyal to his friend. Because while trying to seem like such a law-abiding citizen who also enforced the law, he was once convicted of forgery. Yes, this officer of the law, was arrested for trying to pass off fake $100 bills. Then turned around and claimed that he left the Chicago Police Department in “good standing”. To which the prosecutors on cross examination, showed records of him leaving the force, after pleading guilty to forgery.

Can you believe this? These are the type of people the defense is using to try to make R. Kelly look like a saint. Thank goodness this disgraced Chicago police officer is no longer on the force. Because he cannot be trusted.

Now that we got that out of the way, let’s discuss this witness who is an aspiring rapper. Or should we say a wannabe rapper. LOL The rapper, Dhanai “Da-Ni” Ramanan, testified in court that R. Kelly was his mentor and friend, who was helping him with his career. He straight up said that any allegations made against the singer was absolutely false.

Ramanan, first met the singer at a mall in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Upon meeting him, he discussed with the singer, his musical ambitions. And for the next 15 years, or until around 2019, the two were together on a daily basis.

This “rapper” who never had his career pop off, stated in court that he spent almost everyday with the singer. Despite, not being on R. Kelly’s payroll. R. Kelly didn’t even jumpstart his career. Nor did he even pay the guy or give him a position amongst his staff. In other words, he was just another member of R. Kelly’s entourage. Hell, he could have been even having sex with him. Several men have already testified to being in a sexual relationship with the star when they were underage. But whatever it was, the rapper never put out an album and is now working on a shoe line.

Yet, again, this “rapper” claims to have never witnessed R. Kelly being around any underage girls. Even though he claims to have spent darn near everyday with this man, being mentored. And when asked to describe this “mentorship” program, he said he was told to just watch and observe.

So, you mean to tell me, that within all this watching and observing, day in and day out, he never saw anything out of the ordinary. Either this witness is also lying or overexaggerating the amount of time he spent with Kelly.

I believe it might be both. On cross examination, just like the cop, he back peddled and pussy popped. Telling the prosecutor that he spent far less time with Kelly than he had at first admitted to. Therefore, claiming that’s why he probably didn’t get to witness anything between Kelly and the young girls.

The “rapper” was also shown photos of Kelly with his entourage on tour. And who was missing from every photo. You guessed it. He couldn’t even recall which tours he might have joined R. Kelly on.

On that note, we’re going to stop right there. I’ll deliver another podcast on the Kelly Trial this weekend, after reviewing other testimonies from more witnesses.

But what I want you all to keep in mind is that some of these witnesses presented by the defense, admitted to having a financial interest in Kelly. If R. Kelly is once again acquitted, it can very well benefit them. How? I don’t know, being that R. Kelly right now barely has a pot to piss in.

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