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R. Kelly Trial Day 9: Another woman claims she was exposed to herpes from unprotected sex with Kelly

Writer's picture: TanyaTanya

Updated: Sep 8, 2021

Now as we all know, R. Kelly is facing a multitude of charges from sex trafficking to forced labor and violations of the Mann Act, racketeering, sexual exploitation of children, and kidnapping. And today we are going to go over what we have come to find out from Day 9 of the R. Kelly Trial. And don't forget to also subscribe to Da Hood Table on YouTube, IG, Facebook, TikTok, Snapchat and Twitter. Thank you.

So far, four of R. Kelly’s accusers have been women, with one of them being a man. Each testifying how R. Kelly had a sexual relationship with them when they were underage. Including a woman who alleged that the singer had raped her. And on day 9 of the trial, there were two more accusers. One, who going by the name “Faith” was in a sexual relationship with the singer. The other, being the fourth employee to testify against the King of r&b.

First, let’s discuss Faith. Faith claims that she had met the r&b star at a concert in San Antonio, TX. Actually, she wasn’t even a big fan of his. Most of the women who met him, or tried to meet him, or get in contact with him were either seeking out some type of assistance to help boost their career. Or they were like a super mega fan, or they were just attracted to him and wanted to be with him. But Faith didn’t even like his music. She happened to meet him through her sister. Her sister, who was her older half-sister, invited her to an R. Kelly concert, which happened to be in San Antonio, TX in 2017.

Again, her sister was a fan of the star. But the witness was not. Although eventually the witness started a relationship with the star. He had invited her to join him on the road for his tour. Now from what I gathered, the main thing she was testifying about was how she had contracted or been exposed to herpes. “He did it. I knew it was him,” Faith stated, referring to an outbreak of herpes she had after her last sexual encounter with the singer in February of 2018. Just like with some of the other accusers, R. Kelly likes to have sex without protection. He never wanted to put on a condom. Even though we know that there is a chance you can contract herpes while using a condom. Also, his doctor of 25 year, Kris McGrath testified last week of knowing since back in 2006 that R. Kelly had the herpes virus. The doctor told the jury that he had started treating the singer for the virus in 2007.

The witness, who calls herself Faith was 19 and R. Kelly 54 when they had met. At 54 years old, Kelly was still sleeping around with people without protection or telling them of his diagnosis. Despite that, Kelly had paid for all her flights and hotel rooms, to attend his concerts to five different cities. In return he would demand sex from her. From March 2017 to February 2018, they were in a relationship together, and not one time he used protection with her. Which was obviously how she probably contracted the herpes virus.

Faith said that when they initially met up, he had pressured her to have sex with him. But she claims that she wasn’t quite ready to have sex with the singer. Then after one of his concerts in Westbury, New York, on his tour, she had woken up the next morning to R. Kelly stopping by her hotel room. He invited her to take off her clothes, and rub on “daddy”, as he like to be called. Again, she claims that she wasn’t quite ready to have sex with him, even though he kept pressuring her to have sex with him. Regardless of her not being ready, he told her “I’m at my best when wanted”.

Again, like I said before. I wonder had any of his sexual partners had known of his diagnosis, would they have given him a second look.

Now unlike some of the other accusers, Faith said Kelly did not sexually assault her or physically abuse her. He did, however, intimidate her and force her to do embarrassing or shameful acts. Such as one moment that she recounted to the jury from January 2018. When visiting him in L.A., she didn’t stand up to greet him with a kiss, when he walked into a studio. To punish her he left her in the studio for several hours. And upon his return, she had to walk back and forth while naked in front of him.

He eventually took her inside a smaller room, the size of a walk-in closet, where a gun was displayed on an ottoman. Kelly forced her down on her knees to give him oral sex, with the gun close by. Being so close to the gun, while being punished at the same time, intimidated Faith.

Prosecutors even showed the video of the incident to the jury. Remember R. Kelly video taped or took pics of nearly all his sexual encounters. Even though, this video showed the footage after their sexual encounter, they were able to see the singer giving Faith instructions how to sit, and how to speak to him. It also had the singer’s music playing in the background, to which he was grooving to while listening to it in the courtroom. Kelly was actually in the courtroom nodding his head and playing air piano with his hands, while sitting beside his attorneys. Talk about arrogant.

So far there has been three women to accuse R. Kelly of giving them herpes. There was Jerhonda Pace, Jane Doe #5, and now “Faith” who I believe is actually Asante McGee. Because of the fact that during her testimony Faith told the jury how R. Kelly had tried to blackmail her with nude photos and sex videos he had recorded of them together.

On a trip to New York City to check out the preview of the “Surviving R. Kelly” series Kelly had one of the people who worked for him named Cash Jones to deliver some files to Faith. With the contents of that file, Jones threatened to be exposed if Faith participated in the “Surviving R. Kelly” series.

Faith did decide to participate in the “Surviving R. Kelly” series. And in response to that, a few days after the premiere of the show, the same photos in the file from Jones, were published to a Facebook account called “Surviving Lies.” If you can recall ,that Facebook page was almost immediately deleted by Facebook.

The Facebook page titled “Surviving Lies” had posted an alleged phone call from McGee’s daughter who said that her mother’s accusation was for money. The page also posted McGee’s arrest record. And alleged that McGee was working with another woman to extort R. Kelly.

Facebook released a statement in regard to the page saying: “The Page violated our Community Standards and has been removed. We do not tolerate bullying or sharing someone’s private contact information and take action on content that violates our policies as soon as we’re aware.”

So again, that is why I believe “Faith” is actually Asante McGee.

Now let's discuss Suzette Mayweather , who also testified against R. Kelly on day 9 of the trial.

Suzette Mayweather, who first met Kelly in the late 90s was Kelly’s former personal assistant. She was called on to give specific details of Kelly’s strenuous rules and restrictions. As well as the punishments for those who didn’t adhere to his rules. Mayweather claims to have overheard or later learned of women being physically abused by the singer.

R. Kelly has some very strict rules, as we already knew, as well as everyone in his camp. Including his assistants, his managers, his bodyguards, etc. they all were also responsible for making sure his girls never broke any of his rules. And not only have we heard of how he would punish his girls, but we’ve heard of how he would dock the pay of his employees as well for disregarding his rules or requests. The other day, Tom Arnold, one of his former employees of 8 years testified against his former boss. He told the jury how R. Kelly docked a week’s pay from him, when he wasn’t able to secure a young girl to take Kelly and his girlfriends on a tour at Disney World.

Mayweather and Kelly, after knowing each other for decades, came to have somewhat like a brother sister relationship. Still yet, even though she also became his personal assistant in 2015, he was very strict with her as well. She testified in court how the two of them would even get into arguments during the 16 months that she had worked for him. He would even send her on weird errands to see if she would pass his “tests”. One of those tests was asking her to get him a sweet potato pie in the middle of the night. She must have gone to a 24-hour Walmart. Because she sure came back with several frozen pies from Walmart. Working with him, especially at his “Chocolate Factory” recording studio in Chicago, she became very familiar with his likes, dislikes, and strange requests.

Then yesterday on the stand Mayweather testified how her pay was once docked because she allowed one of Kelly’s girls to leave a van to use the restroom without his permission. He didn’t just dock her pay either. He also made her write an apology letter, like something you’d do to a small child.

Another incident that she testified to was when R. Kelly had punished some of his girls for twerking at a Jan. 4, 2016, all-female birthday party. Mayweather told the jury that Kelly was upset because the ladies were “twerking for cake”.

Mayweather also claims that the women were forbidden to speak with anyone without Kelly’s permission. But I was just appalled when she said that when on elevators the women had to turn around and face the walls. When asked how many of Kelly’s girls that he had done that to, she said all of them. That is bizarre, just outlandish of some of the things he demanded from people.

Another incident that Mayweather spoke of was how she had gotten Kelly extremely angry from her speaking to Dominique about the singer. Dominique, as some of you might know was one of the participants in the “Surviving R. Kelly” series on Lifetime. Because she was also one of the women he was in a relationship with at the time. Dominique had come to her to speak about the singer. But he has rules. And one of those rules is that nobody is allowed to discuss his private life or his affairs with anyone, inside or outside of his circle. When he found out about their conversation, Mayweather said he became enraged. It was to the point that even though they had a brother sister type of relationship, his anger left her shaken up quite a bit. She had never before seen him that upset. And of course, he was upset. The things that he did to the people he was in a relationship with, was not something he needed or wanted everybody to know.

RECAP: "Surviving R. Kelly" Season 2: The Reckoning Episode 4

But for those of y’all who might not be familiar with or have forgotten about Dominique, allow me to refresh your memory. Dominique was one of Jerhonda Pace’s friends, along with Azriel and Joy, that was introduced to Kelly. After Jerhonda started hanging out with R. Kelly, he instructed her to bring along more friends. And out of all the girls that my heart just reached out for, it had to be Dominique Gardner aka Dom. On the first season of “Surviving R. Kelly, Dom’s mother had gone to hotel where Dom was staying with Joycelyn, R. Kelly and other females. Remember at that time, when her mother had gone to the hotel, she was trying to bring her daughter home. But her daughter didn’t want to talk to her and hadn’t spoken to her in a really long time.

That was due to R. Kelly keeping his “girls” isolated from their friends and family. He would allow them to have a phone. But they could only make calls to certain people with his permission. And just like some of the mothers of the other girls had thought, Dom’s mother just knew that something was wrong. And so, she along with the assistance of the Lifetime Network went up there. They took her up to the hotel. Her mother had the hotel call up to penthouse where the girls were staying to tell Dom that there was a package for her in the lobby. But Dom told the desk clerk that she couldn’t come downstairs. This entire scene was all recording by the show. Them girls couldn’t bust a move without the permission of their “daddy” as R. Kelly likes to be called.

So instead, Lifetime, the producers, and the camera crew took Dom’s mom up to the room. And as soon as Dom saw her mother, she literally freaked out because Joycelyn was in the other room, in the hotel. And they’re not supposed to communicate with others without the singer’s permission. Dom’s mother was so sad and distraught seeing her daughter visibly upset and nervous at the sight of them being there. But you could also see in Dom’s eyes that she really wanted to leave with her mother. But she was terrified.

Her mother then went out to the car with the camera crew. She broke down crying in the car. Then the next thing we saw was somebody from the hotel running out to the car where Dom’s mother was. Dominique was on the phone at the front desk. So, Dom’s mom jumped out the car and took off to the front desk of the hotel. When she got on the phone, Dominique told her to come back at such and such time, like later on in the evening. Dominique was hoping that when they came back later, Joycelyn might be gone, so that she can escape with her mom. When her mom came back that evening, Dom did end up leaving with her and the Lifetime crew. All she had with her was a bag of clothes when the crew got her up out of that hotel.

Now back in Season 1, Dom didn’t want to have anything to do with the press, the media, the Lifetime Movie Networks producers, or the camera crew. She just wanted to be far away from Kelly, and back with her family.

But then after some thought and consideration, Dom decided to tell her story in Season 2. And we know that for years there had been rumors going around that Kelly was bisexual. But even knowing that, I was still shocked when Dom told us that R. Kelly always wanted her looking like a boy. He would make her keep her hair shaved in a close cut. She had to wear boys’ clothes, down to her boxer underwear. And if you remember, Dom was looking like a whole boy on both seasons of Surviving R. Kelly. The thing about it though, was that Dom was already tomboyish.

Dom was down to 98 pounds when her mother went to rescue her. Her mother said Dom was much bigger before she was introduced to R. Kelly. Her mother expressed to Lifetime how it looked as if her daughter hadn’t eaten in a long time. And her mother was probably right. R. Kelly’s rules with his girls were so strict. Sometimes when rules were broken, he didn’t allow them to have anything to eat. And out of all the girls living with him at that time, Dom was the most rebellious. Which might have been the reason she lost so much weight or was looking like she really wasn’t eating.

On the show, Dom had explained one of the times that she and Kelly had gotten into it with each other. During the series, Dom recalled a time when she was at a party with the singer, and he had told her to come here. She didn’t come when he summoned her, because she said she is chilling, sitting comfortable on a chair, sofa or something.

He then snatched her up by her hair so hard, that he pulled her hair out. Some days later, when Dom was combing her hair, it just came out in chunks. Later, when Kelly asked her what was up with her hair, she told him it was from when he snatched her up by her hair. This man then told her, oh you might look good with short hair, so just shave it all off. And that’s when she shaved her hair off, started looking and dressing like a boy. Around that time, as well there were allegations that Kelly actually did bring young boys around for them to have sex with.

But, yeah, so that’s how she ended up looking like a boy for R. Kelly. Then some time later, Joycelyn and Dom were out shopping, when somebody from TMZ took a picture of them. That was actually the first time in a long time that the ladies had even been seen out in the public. Dom’s mother, also saw the pics that was posted by TMZ of her daughter, all across social media. After seeing the pics, her mother said she just knew, she could just tell that her daughter was in distress. She claims that her daughter didn’t look right or look happy. Along with all her hair being shaved off, Dom had also lost a lot of weight. That was around the time that Lifetime had contacted her mother about the documentary. And Dom’s mother decided to participate, in order to bring her daughter back home. So that is the story behind Dominique and R. Kelly.

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