Now as we all know, R. Kelly aka the monster, as some people refer to him as, is facing a multitude of charges from sex trafficking to forced labor and violations of the Mann Act, racketeering, sexual exploitation of children, and kidnapping. So, let’s rehash some of what we found out on Days 13 of the R. Kelly Sex Trafficking Trial.
Today, the jury heard from two women, who were the 8th and 9th accusers to testify against the singer. One of the ladies went by “Sonya”. The other lady went by the name “Anna”. But let’s discuss Sonya first, since she was the first to testify.
So far not only have we learned that R. Kelly allegedly would give false hopes to inspiring artists. In order to get inside their pants and/or panties, allegedly. But he also gave false hopes to aspiring women set out to be the next famous radio host. Now whether this aspiring radio hosts real name is Sonya, I don’t know. But that is what she went by in court today.
Sonya, who is now 39 years old, testified in court that when she met the singer, she was a single mother, trying to make it big as a radio host. Knowing that R. Kelly was a big-time celebrity at the time, landing an interview with him would definitely jump start her radio career. So, she set out to try to arrange an interview with the singer.
Sonya had first met R. Kelly in 2003, at a mall in Salt Lake City, Utah, where she requested to interview him. But for some reason, he couldn’t oblige her with an onsite interview, nor a phone interview at that time. Instead, he gave her his number, and told her it would be best if she flew out to his Chocolate Factor music studio in Chicago.
After R. Kelly arranged her trip, including a paid flight, her boss gave her a recorder to use for the interview. When she arrived by taxi to the studio, Sonya immediately realized that something wasn’t quite right. She told the jury that she was approached by one of R. Kelly’s associates with all types of weird questions. Including asking her if she needed any protection. Specifically, they were referring to condoms.
Not flying all the way to Chicago for sex, appalled and taken aback, Sonya told the jury that she said, “No, I’m not here for that”.
After she refused the need for a condom, his associates made a photocopy of her identification card. They then asked for the phone numbers of the people she most recently been in contact with. Among the phone numbers, two of those were close friends. Another was the contact information for her grandmother.
Once she relinquished that information, she was led to a room where she claims to have been locked up for 2 days. But before they locked her up, the associates broke down all the “house” rules for her. She could not leave the room, use the bathroom, or eat anything without the singer’s permission.
After spending a few days locked up and starving, she testified that she requested a meal, and was provided Chinese food. Despite her being deprived of no food nor water for several days, after taken a few bites of her food, she became extremely full, drowsy, and fell unconscious.
When she had come back to, she realized that her clothes and underwear had been removed. She also noticed that her vaginal area was wet, as she set eyes on R. Kelley nearby pulling up his pants. Sonya felt like she had been assaulted while she was unconscious. What she told the jury was that the food and/or drink left her confused. "I didn't know where I was at. "I was sexually assaulted. Someone was inside of me that wasn't invited."
Now even though I’m not surprised at all at what happened to Sonya, allegedly. What did surprise me was that after being put through all that, R. Kelly could have at least taken a few minutes to grant her an interview. But she never did get that interview.
Up until this 13th day of the R. Kelly trial, Sonya, had never revealed her alleged assault publicly. On cross examination, she was asked by Kelly's defense attorney Deveraux L. Cannick, could the food she had eaten might have had MSG in it. Cannick also asked why she never reported it.
“Did you call 911? After you were raped, according to you, you didn’t call 911?” Deveraux asked.
Sonya, now 39, claims that she didn't report the crime because she felt threatened by R. Kelly's team. Not only had Kelly made her sign two NDAs, neither which she had read. He also had the contact information for some of her loved ones. But what really made her possibly feel threatened was when his associates told her "Don't fuck with Mr. Kelly," before she was allowed to leave. As anyone probably would, she took that as a possible threat against her family and friends. Especially when they also warned her to keep her mouth shut.
Now on to the other woman who testified in court today, by the name of “Anna”, who met R. Kelly in South Carolina in 2016. At that time, she was 19 or 20 years old. Anna was actually one of Kelly’s live-in girlfriends, who had also participated in the “Surviving R. Kelly” Lifetime series. Anna claims to have had a volatile relationship with the singer.
Anna told the jury “It was fun in the beginning. After she met him, they exchanged phone numbers. Then a few months later, they both met up in Atlanta. However, she said, the relationship later became violent and controlling. And we’ve heard from the series and from other accuser’s how Kelly would punish them if they even glanced at another man. Which is what Anna described in court. She claims that Kelly had slapped a girlfriend in the face for looking at another man.
But shortly after meeting up with the star, Anna moved in with him, and kept him company on his tours. And again, soon the relationship went from fun to violent and controlling. On the stand, Anna recalled a time when the two of them had got into an argument at a concert, which had turned violent. And just as some of the other accusers have stated, Anna couldn’t look in the direction of any other man and had to wear ball caps and baggy clothes. She also mentioned how he forbade her from wearing any makeup. If and when she broke one of his rules, one of the punishments was to take away her cellphone privileges. Sometimes that would last for months on end.
Also similar to what Jane Doe #5 and others have stated, Anna was at times forced to urinate in a cup. When on the road with Kelly, she would be left in his van. If she had to use the restroom and couldn’t reach him to get permission, she’d have to settle for a cup instead.
Not only would she be denied phone privileges for breaking his rules. But she could also face a spanking as well, which he would record on his iPad. Jane Doe #5 also recalled how he would spank women and then have them send him a message, stating that they enjoy being spanked. Jane Doe #5 claims that she didn’t enjoy the spanking, such as the same thing Anna told the jury. But as far as using the bathroom in a cup. On cross examination by Cannick, she was asked could it have been more of a security concern, rather than a controlling issue.
Now do you recall, on trial day 9, when Faith testified that R. Kelly would make her walk back and forth naked in front of him. Anna accused him of doing the same to her for punishment. While calling her names, such as stupid or slut, she would have to walk back and forth naked in front of him.
Upon being cross examined by Cannick, Anna was also asked why she didn’t leave, to which Anna said she would try to leave. But the singer wouldn’t allow her to leave with any clothes that he had purchased for her. The only clothing and shoes she had was purchased by him. From what she explained to the jury, it seemed as if she wasn’t even allowed to leave with any shoes on.
Cannick asked her, “You could leave whenever you wanted to, correct?” Anna who testified that she didn’t want to be with a man with other girlfriends, replied that, “The only clothes I had was the ones he purchased. I tried to leave with my shoes on.”
So, after taking in the testimonies so far, I get the picture that once Kelly had the women where he wanted them, he’d take everything from them. Then give them what he wanted them to have. But if they threatened to leave him, he would deny them of taking anything he had purchased them. That would be including shoes.
And just in case y’all forgot.
In Jerhonda Pace’s situation, she had to lie to get away from him. One day she told R. Kelly that she needed to pick up a pair of shoes from her uncle who lived a few houses away. The shoes and the uncle were what the R. Kelly was referring to in the interview with Gayle King. R. Kelly had given Pace permission to get the shoes but told her to come right back. But she did not. Pace instead left everything behind, except for her cell phone. Then ran away, called for help, and never looked back.
Copyright 2021 Da Hood Table. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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