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Power Book III Review: Raising Kanan Season 1 Episode 6 "Level Up"

Writer's picture: TanyaTanya

Updated: Sep 28, 2021

Here is my written review of Power Book III: Raising Kanan Season 1 Episode 6 "Level Up" along with the link to my live video review from my YouTube channel. Please check it out and don't forget to also subscribe to us on YouTube, IG, Facebook, and Twitter. Thank you.

Sooo the show started off with Raq realizing that the elevator where she is about to have her new stash house is not working. So, she might want to think about not only flipping that apartment. But putting money towards the repairs on that elevator as well. LOL But like the building manager told her, the inspector wasn’t having none of that shit. As soon as the inspector spotted Raq he started going off on her about her trying to refurbish a project apartment in the middle of the hood. He just could not believe all the damage they had already done in the apartment. Including the big hole in the floor. Along with the entire time he was chastising her, Raq had a big smirk on her face. I’m sure she was probably thinking, “I don’t know who dis nucca think he’s talking to”.

But since she explained to him that she is just a single mother trying to make a home for her and her son, he softened up a little. Not soft enough though. Instead of taking an envelope full of cash as the manager did, he instead wanted to have sex with her. He most definitely was trying to take advantage of the entire situation. Especially when he found out that she was a drug dealer.

So now he knew exactly what Raq meant when she said that she needed a new stove in her apartment. Because she was a “cook”. This fool who had no idea how Raq gets down really thought that he was about to just take her cookies. Instead, he ended up with a full hammer to the face. The inspector could have gotten a really sweet deal from Raq, if he wasn’t trying to force himself on her. LOL And you know the inspector is regretting the fact that had he allowed Raq to refurbish her apartment, he wouldn’t have become a permanent fixture of that apartment. LOL Hopefully after Marvin killed him, he sealed up the wall good enough. So that nobody will not find his body until years later, if at all.

Symphony and Raq – Now I know I done said it several times already that I’m not too sure about Symphony’s loyalty to Raq. How do y’all feel about him after Raq now? During this episode while giving Kanan a haircut, she let it be known that she knew about him being arrested. Not only found out about him being picked up. But being picked up by her man Symphony picked him up afterwards. Kanan had made Symphony promise not to tell his mother. And like I said on our last review, she’s going to be upset with Symphony for keeping it a secret from her.

While Raq was making an attempt to fix Kanan’s tie, Kanan was really trying to convince Raq not to go too hard on Symphony for not telling him about Kanan’s arrest. But do y’all think it’s really over for Raq and Symphony. Because even though he looked out for her son, he still went behind her back. And I think Raq probably would have felt differently had the two of them been dating much longer. Or at least been married or engaged. It was just much too soon for Symphony to be keeping that type of information from her, if he was in fact, trying to get her to trust him.

Raq and Deen – Deen cut them Raq and her crew off from reup with any notice. Even though they’ve been messing around with him for 5 years. So, what’s next? After their stash house was robbed, they almost out product. Their watered down, stretched out product, that is.

Raq decided to pay another visit to the bingo hall to chat with Deen. Deen informed her that their business together has come to an end. Because a comp of hers has secured a 20% premium to secure both theirs and Raq’s supply. Of course, it’s Nique who now has the extra stash from robbing Raq to secure that 20%. Along with that, thanks to Raq persuading Smurf to give her the entail on Nique’s reup spot, Deen no longer trust Raq. Nor does he trust Smurf anymore. Which is why Smurf had to go. And all Smurf wanted to do was spend the rest of his days down South with his kinfolk.

But why the hell did Deen’s Grandma scare the mess outta me when she screamed “Bingo”. Due to having problems hearing, she was so loud. LOL But after his grams won, Raq was dismissed, without even being dismissed by Deen.

After her little discussion with Deen, Raq goes back to bodega. Not to speak with Gabriel this time, but with his wife Julia. As you can see Julia done got beat up by her husband Gabriel, once again. She said she had a fall, to which Raq replied, “Yeah, you had a fall right into your husbands’ fist”. LOL Raq wants to meet with Julia’s cousin in Washington Heights. Even though Gabriel done already make it clear that Julia is not supposed to have her nose, a say so or have any parts of the illegal side of their business. Still knowing that her husband can’t stand her cousin, she eventually gave Raq the 411 on how to contact her cousin. It also probably helped that Raq told her, “If we only moved our lips when our men wanted us to, we’d just have a mouth full of dick and nothin’ to say. LOL But we will have to wait until the next episode to find out what type of arrangement Raq is going to make with Julia’s cousin.

Juke and Nicole – Jukebox and Nicole - Jukebox was laid up on the couch looking like she was still in her feelings from being disrespected by Nicole’s mother last week. When there was a knock at the door. I was like oh hell nah. I know that better not be Nicole. LOL Indeed it was. Jukebox was excited to say the least, at the sight of Nicole. I was like did she really just let that girl run up and jump into her arms like that, after Nicole’s mother referred to her as a fucking disgusting ass repellent. Despite Nicole’s mother being very rude, the two of them obviously had no issues with each other. As a matter of fact, like promised, Nicole showed up later to the Showcase to see Juke perform.

Poor Jukebox was clearly nervous about performing live in front of all those people. So, Nicole brought her a drink to calm her nerves. Because Juke was vomiting and everything all in that little bathroom. LOL While she was trying to gather her nerves, as soon as Famous put his eyes on Nicole, he immediately started flirting with her. In fact, he done renamed her “White-girl Nic”. Because everybody in their circle just has to have a “street” name. Yeah, Famous was putting it on real thick y’all, asking her has she even been romantic with a Spanish nucca like himself.

But Famous was the least of Nicole’s concern. Ole boy who was starting shit on the outside of the club, first tried to holla at Lou’s girl Jessica. But after being quickly shut down by her, he started spitting at Juke’s girl. I was cracking up at what he said to Nicole. He told her that the two of them was about to make a beautiful “Lisa Bonet” looking baby. LOL Jessica had to step in to basically tell “him” to keep on steppin.

And do y’all recall when Lou Lou said for there to be no violence nor drugs that night. But Crown (little Al B. Sure) was the first one to pull out some dope to lace his blunt. Moreover, I just knew or assumed that Nicole was way too smart to hit it too. It didn’t even take no real peer pressure from Crown to convince her to hit it either. Did you see her face after she hit the blunt? She looked as if she had just seen herself on an entirely different planet. Or just saw a ghost. LOL.

I was thinking the entire time, “SAY NO TO DRUGS”. I can see her future clear as day, cracked out, with Juke pulling her ass from off the corners in the middle of the night. LOL Other than that, and the fight that later broke out, for the most part, the night went well, I guess. At least for Famous and Jukebox. Despite the fact, that Famous was rapping about some street life that he really doesn’t know anything about, him and Juke sounded really good up there on the stage.

Lou, Scrap, Nique, Raq - In order to have a drama free event, Lou had to make a deal with the devil aka Nique. Again, Lou wanted the Showcase to have no parts of any drugs, violence nor drama. That request was for the sake of Lou wanting to have at least one “clean” establishment beneath them. One where Lou can bring in a “clean” source of income for himself. Even his girl Jessica told him that the one with the loot calls all the shots.

However, Raq wasn’t down with him keeping anything clean. As far as she’s concerned, they should be able to move their products through any of their establishments. What she told him exactly was, “every party is that kind of party”. Right after she informed him that his money is her money. I don’t know how long she’ll see it that way though. Since Lou seems determined to have a business of his own outside of their “family” business.

Speaking of business. Scrappy not knowing exactly who they were there to kill at the Showcase, soon found out that Nique had put a hit out on Lou Lou. But Scrap ain’t that crazy. Yeah, he quit on Raq without turning in his pink slip. But he wasn’t quite ready for no real beef with Raq. And him being involved with Lou’s murder would have definitely brought her right to his front door. So instead, he gave Lou a little signal, with “the finger swipe and sniff under the nose ‘cue”. That was enough for Lou to stir up a fake fight in the joint to distract Nique’s shooter. And enough time for Lou and his girl to get the hell up outta dodge.

But now after Nique’s crew done messed up Scrap really good can we say that Scrap was working undercover for Raq. Remember last episode I asked y’all do you think Raq purposely planted Scrap in Nique’s camp. Well, IONO. But it does appear that way to Nique. Especially after Nique’s shooter accused Scrap of being Raq’s snitch. And I bet y’all didn’t catch Raq’s comment when she was giving Kanan a haircut earlier in the show.

When Kanan asked her how she found out that he was arrested, she said Scrap told her. But he’s suspect, Kanan replied. Raq said nah. You suspect. So that right there might have been a hint that Scrap and Raq was still in communication with each other. But is Scrap really dead or just beat the hell up? They really did do a number for sure on him. He looked as if he’d been tortured for hours. Even though Nique had him dropped off shortly after the disruption of the Showcase. And if Scrap was truly being loyal to Raq, I’d feel really bad if he died. As I hope Raq would too. Either way she needs to get back at their asses for dropping his body off at her doorstep. Or for bringing that drama to where she and her son lay their head every night.

Raq, Kanan and Officer Howard – So before everything went down that night, back to when Raq was making an attempt to fix Kanan’s tie. During that scene, Kanan had mentioned that he doesn’t think his father Def Con would have been the type who would’ve taken him to get his shots when he was a baby. In that moment I could’ve sworn that Raq was at least going to tell him that she has something to discuss with him later.

She instead asked him did he ever miss not having a father around. To which he replied, “Nah. You can’t miss what you never had”. Granted, Raq has done a good job of raising Kanan so far. But do you think she ever wonders how her son will react if Kanan finds out that Officer Howard might be his dad. If so, what excuse would she give him? Knowing that she knew the entire time of the possibility?

Finally, we saw the female cop who is investigation D-Wiz’s murder sitting in her cruiser outside of the Showcase. Remember she found out the location from the flyer Juke stuck in the windshield of a car. So, seeing her outside the spot Raq approached the cop. Raq told her to deliver a message to her partner Officer Howard. That message was that “the most dangerous place to be in between was a mother and her child”. The officer as she replied, had absolutely had no earthly idea was she had meant by that statement. But oh, Officer Howard most definitely will be able to read in between the lines.

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