Here is my written review of Power Book II: Ghost Season 1 Episode 5 "The Magi, along with the link to my live video review from my YouTube channel. Please check it out and don't forget to also subscribe to us on YouTube, IG, Facebook, and Twitter. Thank you.
It is now Tariq’s 18th birthday, which he shares with his deceased twin sister Raina. At the beginning of the show Tasha was having a dream that her daughter Raina was still alive. In her dream, Raina comes to the house while Tyriq is already blowing out their birthday candles. Tasha, as you could see, was in a state of confusion, as she took her daughter into her arms, not understanding her return. After Raina asked, “did Tariq beat her home”, Tasha is awakened by the sound of somebody pushing a cart past her cell. Once the coast is clear she uses her secret cell phone to wish Tariq a Happy Birthday and good luck on his test. It’s now back to reality.
Monet, who will probably never be the “Mother of the year”, is now training Diana to use her femininity to control a man, to get what she wants. In teaching Diana, when Ramirez comes around announced, she purposely flips out on him for not respecting her boundaries. She tells him not over with just a hard di** and bubble gum, with nothing else to offer. But my question is, after she just rudely sidelined him like that, will he remain loyal to her and her family? That disrespect had got to be a huge blow to his ego. Any other man probably would have cursed her out. And what I also want to know is, why does Monet continue to allow her son Cane, to talk to her the way he does, so disrespectful?
And what was the meaning behind Tariq’s answer to her when she asked, “which one of my kids can I trust”? His response to her was, “me”. First, he’s not her child. So, was she suggesting that she couldn’t trust any of her kids? He did in fact lie to Monet about not knowing who it was that Dru drew a picture of. I had mentioned last week that I wonder how Monet, or her other kids would react knowing that Dru is gay. But it appears as if it’s no secret at all. It also appears that Monet doesn’t trust Dru’s choices of relationships, as if they might be a big distraction for their family business. If that is really how she feels, I can see why. After just being with the basketball player one time, Dru is already acting as if they have a whole relationship. But that basketball player isn’t ready to come out the closet, quite yet, if ever. But despite all this, Monet knows that Tariq’s mind is brilliant, and he comes from a hustling family. She trusts him to make smart moves, at least for now.
Secondly, while I was thinking that Brayden would be the one to accidentally let him and Tariq’s business ventures out to the wrong person, it might be Tariq. Can Tariq trust Brayden enough to reveal where he’s getting his drugs from? And if something happens to Tariq, will Brayden remember the positions on the chess board to be able to come to Tariq’s aid if the “family” business is compromised? Especially now that Brayden’s brother done stole all their stash.
Speaking of “family” business, I still feel as if Monet should listen to her husband Lorenzo and allow Diana to go to school. She is not bringing anything to the table. So far, every instruction that Monet has given to her has not been accomplished. Heck, Riley is doing a far much better job than Diana, with finding out what Tariq is up to. And I couldn’t believe that Diana thought it was a great idea to take Tariq’s gun when he was passed out. That gun could have had some bodies on it. I mean, if Maclean hadn’t showed up, Tameika could have been one of those bodies. Or, Tariq could have gotten into a situation and needed the gun, like Monet was trying to suggest.
Tasha’s lawyer Maclean subpoenaed Tameika to testify in Saxe’s recusal hearing, which means the truth about Ghost’s murderer could potentially come out. Tasha, Tariq and Saxe knows what this could mean for each of them. The focus could wind up on Tariq or Saxe as being the murderer. However, Tariq, explained to Tameika why that would not be a good look for him if she testified. Tariq told her because if he had to then testify against Tommie Egan for Ghost’s murder, then his own life could be in jeopardy. But then Maclean showed up at Tameika’s home interrupting their deep conversation. I wonder how that would have ended up if Maclean hadn’t got there when he did, because Tariq sure had a grip on that gun.
Saxe, thanks to his niece Riley, knew that Tariq had been accidentally drugged by her, resulting in Tariq wondering around high in the middle of the night. Riley put a location app on Tariq’s phone so that she can keep track of him for Saxe. That led to Saxe following him and recording him at Ghosts headstone saying things like “I did what you would have done.” Saxe of course took that as a confession to murder, even tho it wouldn’t be admissible in court. But that was enough for him to know which direction to take, in trying to pin Ghosts murder on Tariq.
Now, with this newfound revelation, both Saxe and Maclean, looking out for their own interests, decides to team up so that Tasha can get off, and in return Tariq is charged with murder. This would definitely make Maclean, Attorney of the Year, and Saxe, U.S. Attorney of the Year, if it plays out right. But then again, being that Tasha has a feeling which direction her case could go, she decides to forego her trial and instead agree to a plea deal. This deal, however, might be too late. As a matter of fact, Tasha has no idea of the new truce between Saxe and Maclean.
But moving right along. With Professor Reynold’s, TA Melissa’s help, Tariq catches up with Reynolds to apologize for his behavior in class, and to promise to never be late again. Reynolds accepts his apology and the late homework assignment. But what he did next was totally unexpected. Feeling destroyed by the realization that his book might not end up being the next best seller, Reynolds decided to steal Tariq’s work. Now we know sometimes that students feel pressured into plagiarizing someone’s work. But I’ve never heard of a Professor or teacher plagiarizing their students’ body of work. I guess there is nothing that Reynold’s won’t do to get what he wants.
But for now, what he wants is another moment with Professor Milgram. Last episode Carrie practically ripped his clothes off, before making love to him all over his office. But this week, she refuses him, telling him, “You need to find another story”. I take that as her saying, that he needs to move on, or maybe just continue sleeping with his students, because she ain’t the one. LOL But how long will this stretch last? LOL Also, I’m still trying to figure out why she is seeing a sponsor. Is it really for sex addicts, as some people believe?
If it’s not for that, it eventually might be. Did y’all see the scene of her and Zeke in the bathroom? I knew a while back that Zeke was feeling something for Carrie. And now she knows all about those feeling, and exactly what they feel like. LOL. But why do I have a feeling that Carrie will regret that? Zeke seems like the type of guy to pursue Carrie, get her goodies, and then become clingy, if not stalkerish. LOL I can see it now, Reynolds coming to Carrie’s rescue, if Zeke turns out to be a “Single Black Basketball Playa”. That probably went well over most of your heads tho. LOL
1. Do you think Dru will get another chance with the basketball player?
2. Do you think Maclean’s deal with Saxe was legit, or is he playing Saxe?
3. Will Tariq be “punished” by Monet or Cane for the stolen products? Or will Tasha receive the wrath from Tejada?
4. What do you think Tariq would do if he found out that Reynolds plagiarized his work? Do you think Tariq will allow him to do it, in exchange for maybe Reynolds giving him slack in class?
5. Do you think Carrie, to Zeke was a hit it and quit it, or does he really want something more from Carrie?
#PowerBookIIGhostTheGiftofMagi #PowerBookIIGhostSeason1Episdode5 #PowerTheGiftofMagi #PowerBookIIGhostStarz
