Here is my written review of Power Book II: Ghost Season 1 Episode 6 "Good vs Evil", along with the link to my live video review from my YouTube channel. Please check it out and don't forget to also subscribe to us on YouTube, IG, Facebook, and Twitter. Thank you.
Sooo last episode before the midseason break, we saw how at a party, Tariq had accepted a drink that was supposed to be for Brayden. That drink was spiked by Saxe’s niece, Riley to give to Brayden, in hopes of him spilling tea on Tariq. But Brayden, after getting extremely pissed at Riley for asking too many questions, stormed off away from Riley. He then came across Lauren, who he has the hots for and handed off the drink to Tariq, telling him to loosen up at the same time.
Tariq loosened up alright, and he ended up drunk as hell. Because remember Tariq is not a drinker. He doesn’t drink and he doesn’t do drugs. After he got drunk, he was in his feelings and visited his father Ghosts’ gravesite. While there, he got to rambling, and crying about what he had to do. Tariq had no idea that he was being followed by Saxe that night. Nor did he realize that Saxe was recording him with his cell phone. Saxe recorded Tariq telling his father Ghost, “You were in the way, I had to do it”.
Sooo at the beginning of Episode 6 Saxe and Davis Maclean are discussing the video footage. Saxe tells Maclean that he believes Tariq just admitted to killing Ghost. But that’s not enough proof, as it most likely wouldn’t be admissible in court. So now the plan is for Maclean to back off the recusal and take it to trial. Maclean and Saxe are planning to work together to put Tariq behind bars and get Tasha off at the same time. If Maclean can get Tariq to take the stand, then Tariq can then be attacked by Saxe on the cross examination. That would be a win-win situation for the both of them. Maclean would win the case of the year, and Saxe would have his killer.
While Tariq is in class, he gets a call from his mother, Tasha. Tasha explains how she asked for a deal, but Maclean insists on going to trial, believing he can win. Of course, Tariq knows that that would probably mean somebody, him or his mother could be convicted for Ghosts murder.
During the jury selection procedure, Maclean and Saxe were really playing it up. They even had the Judge fooled. The Judge told them they had better play it cool, unless one of them wants to end up with a Batson charge, or in contempt. LOL When they got to Dr. Quinones, the Judge couldn’t even believe that Saxe had selected him as a juror, and with no objection from Maclean. The Judge should have known right then and there that something was up. LOL
Not only was the Judge confused, but so was Paula. Paula couldn’t understand why Maclean would take it to court, knowing they could possibly get a mistrial. But to Maclean, a mistrial is still a win. Maclean was really trying to convince Paula, that they’ll get the verdict they are supposed to. But first things first, Paula needs to get Maclean prepped for Saxe’s first witness, which is Francis Johnson aka 2-Bit.
2-Bit who works for Tommy Egan, and who previously worked for Dre Coleman, is pulled away from his cell by Saxe and Maclean. Saxe was threatening to compel 2-Bit to be a witness. But 2-Bit has been reading up on his free time in jail regarding his rights. Maclean had me hollering! He told 2-Bit, “I’m Black Mofo Santa Clause, and I’m about to give you the gift of the century” if he allows him to be his attorney. 2-Bit was not trying to be a snitch for anybody, even when told he could be back on the streets in no time. Although he doesn’t trust Blanca, Saxe or Maclean he decided to hire Maclean for free, on promises that he will get out of jail.
On the stand, 2-Bit testified that he’s not aware of the Ghost crew. He also stated that there was no way a white guy like Tommy Egan, who they were labeling as Ghost, could be running a major drug organization in Queens. On that matter, he also denied knowing Tasha, stating that if some women was running a drug organization, he would have heard about it.
As far as 2-Bit being involved in the organization, he stands firm, that he was set up by Blanca Rodriguez, a crooked cop. But is Maclean really working with Saxe? The entire courtroom was gasping when 2-Bit told Saxe that he gave him transactional immunity. As long as he showed up, took the stand, answered his questions to the best of his ability, he’s held up his end of the deal. 2-Bit was like yeah, I got a lawyer now. And like Maclean promised, 2-Bit also got released from jail.
But in other news Cane is under the impression that his little sister Diana is having sex with Tariq. The only sibling who is having sex tho is Dru. Dru’s sexual preference or him sleeping with Everett, is no secret to Diana or their mother Monet. This again leads me to wonder if Cane has any idea that his brother Dru is gay. Not only that, but if Cane does know, how does he feel about it.
Cane was outraged at the idea of Tariq sleeping with his sister. So, Diana insists that Dru tells Cane that she’s not the one sleeping around. Dru doesn’t say anything in defense of Diana, but that he knows how to keep his mouth shut. That was a dig at Diana, who Dru thinks will have a problem keeping his secret. Unconvinced that Diana is telling the truth, Cane grabs his gun, and heads out to pay Tariq a visit. Monet thinking her kids are two spoiled sets them up to handle counting the drug money and breaking down bricks, while Cane is out.
In the middle of breaking down bricks, Everett is blowing up Dru’s phone. Against Diana’s suggestion, Dru makes his way to see Everett. Everett is not ready for the world to know he is gay. Afraid of not being able to play pro-basketball if found it, he still wants to have sex with Dru, so long as Dru can keep his secret. After a round of sex, Everett receives from his tutor, a study guide, with a side of Dru’s family’s pills.
Seeing the package, Dru tried to figure out the connection between their drugs and the tutor. Before he could figure it out, Diana, being sent by Monet, is at the door, to bring him back home. Diana also figured out that Tariq is behind the CourseCorrect tutoring app and drug connection. This info Diana shares with Monet, including the fact the Tariq is charging the college kids triple the price.
In his search for Tariq, Cane comes across Brayden and his brother Trace. The brothers were in the middle of fighting over Trace stealing Tariq and Brayden’s pill stash. Popping off at Cane, Trace found himself staring at the end of Cane’s gun. I’m still not sure why Tariq thought it was a bright idea to reveal to Brayden the family that he was receiving his drugs from. Next thing you know, Cane has the two of them each on their own corner, slangin his drugs. Brayden who I suspected, had no problems selling his entire stash. On the other hand, tho, his scary ass brother ran across some thugs, who tries to steal his stash, while kicking his butt at the same time.
But if it wasn’t for Monet’s sidepiece, NYPD Officer Danilo Ramirez, Brayden and Trace both, would have been picked up for slangin. Ramirez happened to hear a 911 call of two white corner boys on the block, and showed up before any other cop could haul them in. Ramirez also checks Cane on his behavior, and checks Monet as well. Everyone including Monet knows that Cane’s behavior is out of line, and bad for business. But will she eventually allow Ramirez to put Cane back in line? Somebody needs to put him in line, because Monet seems to not be getting through to him.
Did y’all see when he knocked Monet to the ground? It might have been in a fit of rage, and not on purpose. But he was still out of line and disrespectful to his sister and Monet. So as a result, when visiting his father Tejada in jail, Tejada sets it up for the guards to whip up on Cane. Afterwards, Tejada told Cane he better not ever put his hands on his wife Monet again. Do y’all think Cane get the message? Or will this make situations worse for everyone?
Copyright 2020 Da Hood Table. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
#PowerBookIIGhostGoodvsEvil #PowerBookIIGhostSeason1Episdode6 #PowerGoodvsEvil #PowerBookIIGhostStarz