Here is my written review of Our Kind of People Season 1 Episode 1 “Reparations”, along with the link to my live video review from my YouTube channel. Please check it out and don't forget to also subscribe to us on YouTube, IG, Facebook, and Twitter. Thank you.
The first episode starts off with Piggy and her niece Angela and her niece’s 17-year-old daughter, Nikki travelling from Boston to Oak Bluffs. Blasting James Brown’s song “Super Bad” the ladies were laughing it up, singing and laughing, just enjoying each other. Hair was just a blowing in the wind in that gorgeous droptop of Angela’s. The weather was beautiful enough for them to even stop off at beach on their way Oak Bluffs. And might I say that I just love the closeness between Angela and her Aunt Piggy.
At the beach, Angela went through a wave of emotions, when reminiscing about her mother, Evelyn Vaughn aka Eve. It was several flashbacks in this episode. Another one being Angela went back to the day her
mother had stopped her father from visiting her. It was actually the first time ever that she was to meet her father. But due to her him trying to pay her mother to keep her a secret, she set him free. Then evidently ended up raising Angela on her own as a single mother. Now realizing that her mother, Eve, must have had a better way of living in mind for her daughter. Angela is set on paying homage to her mother, as well as leaving a legacy for her daughter Nikki.
Angela, thanks to her mother, and thanks to the small business incubator program by Franklin Holdings, Angela was able to open to get startup money for his business. So, she now owns the old boarding house over on Delois Street. Which happens to be the exact same place where her mother first started doing hair back in the day for all the maids. Her mother used to have all the ladies, dyed, fried, and laid to the side.
Their hair care product passed down from Angela’s mother is called, “Eve’s Crown”, which represents freedom. And I definitely need to remind myself to get one of those t-shirts that Angela was wearing. I love that shirt she had on their drive up. The shirt with the names of Harriet, Rosa, Shirley, Angela, Tamika on it. The shirt she is wearing mentions the names of superwomen, who are known as heroes in the fight for black rights and equality. So yes, shout out to Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Shirley Chisholm, Angela Davis, and Tamika Mallory.
So, again because of Angela’s mother looking out for her, she now owns the old boarding house over on Delois Street. That is the exact same place where her mother first started doing hair back in the day for all the maids. Her mother used to have all the ladies, dyed, fried, and laid to the side.
Later, we meet to the DuPont’s, when Raymond, his wife, Leah, their kids, Quincy, and Lauren arrived back in Oak Bluffs, by jet. The couple and their children were just oozing of money and high-class status. You could tell from first glance that this family, comes from generational wealth.
I think my favorite scene to reflect the Dupont’s elite status from this episode was when Angela tried her hand Leah a check. After Angela was running down her business endeavors to the Dupont’s, she tried to give Leah her donation. And did you see the way Leah was looking down at Angela when she presented that check for the single mother’s outreach program? Leah must have snubbed her nose up at Angela in so must disgust, telling her that the donation box is at the entrance.
That was the first event that Angela attended with her D.A. friend, Josephine. And also, the place where her mother used to work. During the party, Angela still had her father on her mind. She had mentioned that her father could very well be at that party, without her even knowing he’s even there. She hasn’t seen him in so many years, that he could, have been, standing right beside her.
She didn’t happen to run into anyone who she assumed was her father. But who she did get introduced to, was that sexy ass chocolate drop Tyrique? Oooohhh I’ve always loved me some Lance. Umh Umh Umh he is just way too fine. Angela spotted the eye candy across the floor, enjoying her view as well.
“We are not in Boston anymore, y’all”, said Angela.
Just the way he held her leg when removing her heels, after she broke one of them on that cobble stone. And how he looked her up and down like she was short, was just too smooth for me. Angela was in the Bluffs for one purpose and one purpose only. But she might have to make room in her plans for somebody else.
Again, she didn’t happen to run into her father. But her daughter Nikki met someone who was also very handsome and intriguing, which was Quincy. Quincy, the son Raymond, and Leah Dupont, definitely seems to be the more laid-back and outgoing sibling. Lauren was acting really jealous and insecure over Nikki having a conversation with Quincy. As if that were her man, and not her brother. She was extremely rude, cutting Nikki short when she was introducing herself.
“I guess they don’t teach manners, in the sunken place”, Nikki stated to Lauren.
“I see you new girl. We need some fresh blood around here”, Taylor replied.
Both Taylor and Quincy, took a liking to Nikki right out the bat. Lauren on the other hand, couldn’t believe that Taylor had invited Nikki to join them for a boat party, the very next night.
But when she attended the boat party, somehow Taylor done fell overboard. She’s damn lucky to be alive, as well as the Dupont’s are lucky to not be facing any charges of fines. Especially since the kids were all smoking and drinking, including Nikki.
I don’t know what happened with the Dupont kids, but Angela ended up grounded Nikki for drinking and smoking at the party. She did have only one drink. But she’s underage and done already gotten in trouble at school. She was however allowed to join her mother at the Graceties social event. Or should we say she had no choice in the matter but to go.
Just when I was feeling like I know I’m not going to be too fond of Lauren, I started feeling sorry for her. Taylor had placed her phone into Nikki’s bag. When Nikki told Lauren that she had seen the videos of her kissing Taylor, Lauren was pissed, to say the least. I really hate how people are sometimes forced out of the closet. But what went down doesn’t give Lauren to be so mean to Nikki. Lauren became really angry, even warning her to keep her mouth quiet.
But yes already, there’s a little more drama jumping off in the first episode, at the board meeting. After the meeting, Leah confronted her father, Teddy about bribing local zoning officials, while she was finishing the stadium contracts.
“We do this so that we can keep our heads up high and the least of us never has to band is back in the cotton fields again”.
Leah went on to accuse her father of twisting the legacy of the family to serve his own greed. After giving her a speech about why he created a table with an incline, so everyone looked up to a black man, he gave her a warning. Calling her a little girl, he warns her that she can keep her foot under the table. So long as she knows who sits at the head of the table. Teddy’s grandparents who came from humble beginnings, passed a generation of wealth down to him. Which was why he’s probably feeling so entitled to do whatever he wants to get what he wants. Because he’s always had it good.
But what Teddy didn’t expect was Leah returning to present a dossier to him, of all of his shady business deals. In order to force him to retire. So that she could take over running the business. Not only has her father let his greed take over, but he didn’t stick to his promises of building up the black community. Something that Leah’s heart is set on doing. But the way she comes across to people that she deems are beneath her, couldn’t possibly make me believe that she is really for the “black” community. Maybe the upscale and bougie black community. But not everyone else.
Both the DuPont’s and the Franklin’s had always had it good. So good that while out playing basketball together, Raymond tells his son that he would like him to attend the kingship induction ceremony with him. Evidently being a guest at that event, would give Quincy the opportunity to see black men like his father, who are doing very well for themselves.
Throughout Raymond’s entire life, he also grew up among the most privileged and prestigious black men who were a part of the “Kingship”. Which is also what he wants his son to soon be a part of.
Per Raymond, for over 100 years the Kingship held the line in the African American community. During the inductee’s ceremony, you could tell that they don’t come to play. It is black excellence at its finest. Coming off somewhat secretive, it always seems very structured, powerful, and prestigious like royalty. Something that the Dupont’s and the Franklin’s take very seriously.
Now back to Angela, who was at home enjoying drinks with Josephine and Piggy. Angela was trying to find a way for her to get in good with Leah. Because rubbing elbows with the Franklins would be very beneficial for her business.
While contemplating ways to prove to Leah, that she isn’t just some rachet ass chic from Boston, she received a hand delivered party invite. Along with the invite, were a pair of red bottoms to replace the heels she broke at the fundraiser. Lance who owns a construction company, didn’t waste anytime showing Angela how much he’s interested in her.
It was short notice, but who is going to turn down an invite from Tyrique Chapman.
They did share a steamy kiss that night, while revealing some of their background to each other. For her not to know Tyrique too well, she sure appeared to be swept off her feet. I guess a sexy black man and a new pair of red bottoms will do it for you.
Towards the end of the episode, Angela was preparing for her first Graceties event, of which Leah is Chapter President. Angela, full of ambition, is determined to climb the social ladder in Oak Bluffs. Beginning with attending the Graceties club meeting, which was created to build up black women, and black communities. And her daughter Nikki didn’t see why her mother had to drag her to the event.
Nikki, who’d rather have stayed at home, although rooting for her mother’s success, hates the fact that she’s been uprooted from her friends back home. Moving around, as it is, can be hard on a teenager. Then throw in the fact that Angela is trying to introduce her to a totally different, crowd. A community, and a private school that Nikki doesn’t seem to fit in. That can be a lot to throw at a teenager. Which was why Nikki blamed her mother for the reason why she was smoking and drinking on the boat in the first place.
The Grand Illumination Ball is at the end of the summer when Angela will know if she has been voted into the sisterhood. She did only get one nomination and lied about her mother’s past. Still yet, Angela was still hoping to get in where she fit in. But the event wasn’t going according as planned.
Since the top stylist that Leah hired, failed to show up, Angela, to save the day, made the executive decision to step in as the hair stylist. Just like her mother before her, Angela died, fried, and laid the hair on those models to the side. But did Leah appreciate any of it. Nope! She did the exact opposite and more, trying to shame Angela in front of everyone. Leah done dropped tea on Angela’s family for the entire club to hear. Now everybody knows the truth, that Angela’s mother was a maid, who was also arrested for intent to distribute.
Say it isn’t so, that Momma Eve was a drug dealer, and a hairdresser on the side. From what Leah was saying, Eve was slangin’ drugs out of her makeshift salon. But keep in mind that what their club is supposed to represent is building up women, black women. And here Leah was tearing down and humiliating another black Sista. Leaving Angela running home in tears.
Thanks to Josephine working as a D.A., she was able to locate the case files on Angela’s mother’s arrest. Along with the files was a video tape of Angela’s mother pleading for Teddy Franklin to let the authorities know that she wasn’t selling drugs. Seeing that tape, followed by another flashback of her father, Angela realized that Teddy is her pappy.
So of course, Angela has a lot of questions, mainly why did her mother hide that property from her. And why didn’t Teddy look out for her and her mother. Angela was going to get to the bottom of this mystery.
The next day, Angela, paid a visit to Leah, to retrieve her wig that she let Leah use. And also, to pluck out Leah’s hair fibers from the wig to do a DNA test. It’s quite obvious, that Ms. Eve isn't who her daughter thought she was. It also seems everyone might be withholding some secrets from Angela, including Piggy.
Again, we hear Leah claiming to be all for the black woman. Telling Angela that her mission is to build up a community of sisterhood. Yet she was staring at Angela with disdain, as if Angela has crossed her in the past. Leah didn’t seem to convince Angela, that all black women were included in that “sisterhood”.
“We do the same thing, just differently. We’re two sides of the same coin”, Angela told Leah.
“Two very different sides of the same coin”, Leah replied.
Was that Leah’s way of letting us know that she knows the truth behind Angela and her mother? I’m not sure. But on the last scene when Angela’s father was driving away, a little black girl name Leah was in the backseat. Could that little Leah, be Angela’s sister? Making Lauren, Nikki’s cousin. If what Angela’s thinking is true, that could bring a whole new meaning to coming back to secure the crown for her mother.
Copyright 2021 Da Hood Table. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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