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Tee finally made it down to Miami to help Meech handle some business. Tee at first, wasn’t so certain that they should be putting a lot of trust in Mack, the boxer. And just the same, Meech didn’t think it was wise for Tee to bring along Markisha for a business trip. Somehow Markisha was determined to turn it into a nice vacation for her and Tee. Nevertheless, on a mission to hook up with Francois, the mechanic, Tee and Meech pulled up at Club Foxxxy,
where they not only ran into Angel sliding up and down
a pole. But they also almost ran into a shoot-out with the MKs.
For some reason, neither brother expected to see Angel nor the MKs in Miami. I don’t know how, being that the MKs are obviously from Miami. And Angel told Meech that she was about to start dancing at the clubs in Miami. Simultaneously, as Tee and Meech were getting away from the MKs, Tchaka was being laid to rest by Glock and their loved ones.
Glock was only one of several people seeking revenge in this episode. Which he figured might come easy. Since they had been informed that Meech was on their turf. I believe that is why Glock probably thought that Angel had something to do with him being down there. Angel, realizing that she was being followed by Glock, sought safety with Meech. Who promised no harm would come to her. So long, as she is with him.
In order to keep Angel and Markisha safe, Meech had given them both pistols, as well as orders to not leave the hotel. Angel, on one hand, was cool with it. Markisha, however, had been having temper tantrums ever since she stepped foot on the resort. She was pissed that couldn’t enjoy the vacation plans she had made for her and Tee. So, to now be told that she must stay holed up in a room with Angel. This most definitely was not something she had signed up for.
Besides making sure the women were safe, again Tee and Meech had to make sure their product was just as safe. Thanks to Francois, all the rides had the secret safes built in, to hopefully prevent the Red Dogs from hemming them up. At least that was the plan.
Somehow, someway, the Red Dogs found out that BMF was up to something. To tell the truth, I just knew the brothers had it in the bag and were well on their way to making some crazy cash. Without being caught, that is. Seeing their cars, stashed with their product on their way to the impound, Meech and Tee contemplated who could have set them up.
“I wonder who gave them this effing tip” Tee said to Meech. “If they find out what’s in that effing van, man. Clearly somebody’s helping them”, Meech said in response.
Detective Jin paid a visit to Bryant, who informed her that he did in fact, kill Tyson. Now last week, we were wondering if Bryant had just beat him senseless. Or if he had beaten the life out of him, literally. The latter, of which, he did. So, now for the number count, Henri will be burying her second family member within weeks. As a matter of fact, it seems like Bryant intended to kill two birds with one stone. He had to have known that leaving Tyson’s body in a dumpster near Tee’s restaurant would make Henri believe that Tee had something to do with it. Which is exactly what happened.
After Henri was notified of her cousin’s death, she vowed to get revenge. Even though, her father Blaze strongly forbade her to bring harm to Tee. Tee for now was safe. Not so much for Hoop, though, Tee’s right-hand man. Hoop didn’t even know what hit him when Henri put those bullets into his chest. And if Henri was trying to start a war with Tee before, ain’t no turning back now.
Detective Jin seems to steadily be gaining Henri’s trust. Last episode when at Henri’s home, we thought she might go all the way. And this time, it seems as if she did. Or at least Henri did, go all the way with Jin. I don’t know what all they did this time. But Henri for sure went downtown, under the bridge on Jin. Looking at Henri, you would assume that she is a woman, or should we say a dragon in love.
Jin, so far, hasn’t had any real problems snaking her way into Henri’s life. To begin with, Jin was able to convince Henri that she is a lesbian. Secondly, Jin has Henri darn near eating out of the palms of her hand. Thirdly, when Henri took her eyes off Jin, she gave her the chance to insert the wire inside of her cane.
Planting that wire will now allow Jin and Bryant to gain intel on Henri and her father’s operation. Sitting inside of Bryant’s car, the former detectives heard Blaze chastising his daughter.
Realizing where Tyson’s body was found, they heard Henri wailing at her father saying, “I will effing kill him!”
“Henri, you will not. You… will not. I warned you to leave Terry alone and now he’s retaliated because of your petulance.”
I’m not sure what petulance means. But it probably has something to do with Henri being stubborn. As well as her being crazy. Despite her behavior and/or her motives, the detectives can’t use any intel they receive from the wire, due to it not being admissible in court. In the event that they do hear enough to lead to any arrests, Jin plans on asking Cobie’s dad, Councilman Amberson, to help take down both Tee and Henri.
As for Nicole, what does she call herself doing. Her parents need to really start paying more attention to her. Because if they don’t, I have a feeling that, in the next episode, we are going to see Nikki and Breeze doing more than just kissing and petting one another. When Breeze was putting his hands on her side, he asked her was she ready for that. She responded, by telling him to shut up, in between kisses. Thank goodness her father interrupted them, to take Nikki out for a bite to eat. So, once again, Nikki was caught up with a boy without being caught.
Unknowingly, Charles managed to keep his daughter from giving up her innocence to Breeze. But will he be able to keep Lucille from giving all of herself to Dr. Maurice. Charles knows deep down inside that he himself had pushed his wife into another man’s arms. Even his own daughter Nicole, promised him that she will never allow a man to treat her how Charles treated her mother.
When trying to convince his wife to escort him on his tour, Lucille told him that she couldn’t. She followed up by saying that she believes that she is in love with Maurice. But as much as she believes that to be true, she isn’t in love with him enough to sleep with him just yet. Maurice so sure of himself, knew that after dinner, it was going to be on and popping. That being the case, he reserved his dinner with Lucille at a restaurant inside of a hotel.
With dinner behind them, once inside their room, Lucille and Maurice, as before, began to claw and tear into each other. Only for Lucille to apologetically, dismiss herself, so that she wouldn’t end up breaking her wedding vows.
“I love you. I always have. I’ll wait as long as I have to”, Maurice vowed to her.
I don’t know how much longer Maurice can hold off. It all sounds good though. Still yet, I can’t help but feel like there is something up with that Maurice. I don’t know why, but I believe he has a family somewhere. Or maybe, even something worse. He just seems too good to be true to me. If that is the case, I hope that Lucille doesn’t do something that she’ll later regret.
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