Please click the link below to tune in to our Premiere EXCLUSIVE: YouTuber Ms Sislo Newsworthy Updates Discusses With Us a Conversation and Phone Call She had With R. Kelly's Ex Tour Manager Demetrius Smith. We also discussed on this panel the R. Kelly's accusers and allegations. As well as Wayne Williams of the Atlanta Child Murders Case. And how we can help children in the black community that are being abused. Just click the link to tune in. And don't forget to also subscribe to Da Hood Table on YouTube, IG, Facebook, TikTok, Snapchat and Twitter. Thank you.
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#RKellyNewAllegations #RKellyFederalRacketeering #RKellyTrial #RKellyMarriageToAaliyah #RKellyTourManagerDemetriusSmith #DemetriusSmithAaliyah #WayneWilliamsAtlantaChildMurders #AtlantaChildMurders